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Can Rick Simpson oil help treat cancer tumors?

Can Rick Simpson oil help treat cancer tumors?

Rick Simpson oil is a cannabis extract that takes its title through the marijuana that is medical whom created it. Simpson claims that applying the oil to cancer tumors spots on his epidermis cleared the spots within times.

Rick Simpson oil (RSO) is exclusive in that it includes greater quantities of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) than other medical cannabis extracts.

The medical community needs more direct evidence of its safety and effectiveness in humans before making any firm claims although there is some evidence to support the use of cannabis for aiding cancer treatment.

Researchers continue to analyze possible uses for cannabis items in dealing with cancer tumors.

Share on Pinterest Researchers have already been studying CBD oil in cancer tumors, but RSO has higher amounts of THC.

RSO is really a high strength cannabis extract with a high quantities of THC, as well as other cannabinoids. (more…)